Friday, 9 January 2009

Teacher’s Pet - 1x04 (BtVS)

First aired: March 25, 1997

This was definitely not what I had been expecting. An episode about male sexuality and ego was not something that fit into my preconceived notion of what a show that has become known for its female empowerment would deal with. But it did.

This was an episode that portrayed women from a male perspective. I highly doubt it was a coincident that in those scene were Xander was present Buffy and Willow always communicate silently (inaudible for the audience) and kept close physical contact. Nope, this episode dealt with Xander, his masculinity, sexuality and the ways it set him apart from the female population. There was never any disrespect towards women and one could even say the way in which the episode portrayed the female as powerful and aggressive sexually is part of the empowerment previously mentioned. Still the focus was on the male.

The main theme was obviously that of the somewhat ridiculous nature of some expressions of male sexuality, but there is also a much darker interpretation. Because this is also a story about a Predator and a child. It is surprising not more discomfort is felt when a young boy is tricked into his much older teacher’s home, drugged and then about to be taken advantage of. In one way you almost have to wonder if such a painful and serious matter should be transformed into television entertainment.

With this episode we are also shown that despite his goofy nature, Xander is not the comic relief, Cordelia is. She merely exists as a tool to be used for plot advancement (in the previous episode to be spell cast, in this to find the body) while her foreign perspective and lack of empathy are used as laughter inducers. Then again it’s the first season so she is allowed to be a cardboard cutout, it’s just strange thinking this is (supposed to be) the same character that got me teary eyed during her goodbye appearance on Angel (the Series).

One of the scenes that stand out to me is the one between Dr Gregory and Buffy. Both showcasing that Buffy might not be the typical smarty, but does have a great amount of potential. Also the fastest way to Buffy’s heart is through placing faith in her (no pun intended). She seeks recognition, but she is also an incredibly loyal character.

Not one of the stronger episodes, but does display a wider emotional perspective than I had originally thought the series presented. Even though Xander is not one of my favourite characters, it's good to see that the show does allow his perspective as well.

Randomness & Memorable
- Buffy vamped-out being attacked by vamps.
- Alexander LaVelle Harris
- Symbol of Kali Ma on Giles’ desk.
- Buffy killing a vamp with a white picket fence. Talk about symbolism.
- “Destructo-girl. That’s me.” Said by Buffy with a grain of painful honesty.
- “There are too many guys in your life.”

Next up:
Cradle of Hope (XWP)

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